Semantic dementia and fluent primary progressive aphasia: two sides of the same coin? 词义性痴呆和流利的原发性进行性失语:同一硬币的两面?
The Study of Chinese Vocabulary Orthographic 、 Semantic and Phonological Processing in Patient with Broca Aphasia 汉语Broca失语症患者词汇形音义加工的研究
According to denomination and classification task, semantic memory is defined and located in anterior lateral temporal lobe, and the patients express amnesic aphasia. 根据命名、分类任务判定的语义记忆位于前外侧颞叶,语义记忆障碍的患者表现为命名障碍。
Results The patient spoke fluently and had some semantic paraphasia, the type was sensory aphasia, and the grade was four. 结果患者自发谈话为流利型,有语义错语;失语症类型为感觉性失语,失语严重程度为4级。